All-Time High (ATH) is a term that refers to the highest value or peak price that an asset or financial instrument has ever reached during its entire history.
In the context of financial markets, ATH reflects the highest point of the price movement of a stock, cryptocurrency or commodity within a period of time. ATH analysis provides insight into the extent to which an asset has achieved success or highest profit potential, providing valuable insight for investors and traders.
For example, if a cryptocurrency's value reaches ATH, it could indicate high interest from the market or conditions that support higher prices. Understanding ATH helps market participants to see the historical performance of an asset and can be an important factor in making investment decisions, such as evaluating when is the right time to buy or sell.
As market trends change, monitoring ATH can provide valuable insights in forming better investment strategies.
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Slippage | Smart Contract |
Blockchain | Non-Fungible Token |
All-Time Low (ATL) | Web3 |
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